My daughter Rebecca recently started her first "real" job working for a local restaurant. Now, since I'm a hospitality (restaurant mostly) consultant and trainer, I just had to give her some tips so that she could be a superstar. So, while driving back from a client site the other day, I came up with this list. (I dictated it - for all of you law enforcement readers out there.) It's not in any order, but it's full of smart advice for any server.
Restaurant owners and managers take note: your servers should be doing these things too! If they aren't; train them! 1. Never expect a tip. You have to make somebody WANT to give you a tip. 2. Always greet a table with a smile. 3. Always make sure the menu is clean and complete before handing it to a guest. 4. Always hold a cup or glass from the bottom. 5. Never take someone's fork off of their plate and put it on the table when you know they will need it again. Just bring them a new fork (or knife or spoon). 6. Think about what your guests may need or want before they do. 7. When pouring coffee, leave a space at the top of the cup if you know that they like to put sugar or milk. 8. Clean up the wrappers from sugar, and the empty creamer containers right away. Don’t leave a pile of trash on the guests’ table. 9. Always give people some dollar bills as change when they pay their bill. It makes it easier for them to tip you. 10. Always use a guest's name if you can. Many times you can get it from their credit card. (“Thank-you Mr. Jones.”) 11. Lay with the left and remove with the right…or serve from the guest’s left, and remove dirty plates, etc. from the guest’s right. 12. Always serve the women at the table first. 13. Don't bring the food to the table until everyone's food is ready. 14. Don’t auction off the food. Saying “who had the burger?” is unprofessional. You should know who had the burger before you go to the table. 15. Never point at a guest either up close, or across the dining room. 16. If someone's credit card declined, ask them for a new form of payment discreetly. Sometimes it's best to just return the portfolio to the table with a note inside asking for another form of payment. You never want to embarrass someone in front of a friend or client. 17. You can't sing the happy birthday song to anyone because its copy written. 18. Always make sure your uniform is cleaned and pressed (or at least wrinkle free). 19. Always have breath mints available for yourself. 20. Offer to hang up someone's coat if there is a coat rack available. 21. Always make sure the menu that you hand someone is clean, correct and complete. 22. If you spill something on somebody offer to pay their dry cleaning bill even if you have to pay it out of your own pocket. 23. Be on time for work every day. 24. If your boss calls you in to work an unexpected shift say “yes” if at all possible, especially if you are new to the job. 25. Always make sure the tables in your section are clean, set up the same, and all condiments are fully stocked. 26. Help your coworkers out whenever you can. 27. Always be listening for what a guest needs no matter whose table it is. 28. Always try to sense the mood of your tables. Some of them may like to chat with you and others want to be left alone. 29. If a table has paid its bill but they stay and keep talking, keep servicing them. 30. When you have extra time ask for extra work. An employer appreciates a hard worker, and staying busy makes your shift go faster. 31. Don't worry about a co-worker that is working less hard then you. Just do the absolute best job you can. 32. Learn as much as your employer is willing to teach you. It will help you in the future on other jobs. 33. Never reach across a person to pick something up or set something down if at all possible. 34. Never ask a customer to hand something to you, if at all possible. 35. Never take food to the table if you aren't happy with it. You are your guests advocate and representative. If you wouldn’t want to eat it, why would they? 36. Know the menu... forwards backwards and inside out. You need to know prices, options, etc. 37. Clarify Coke or Pepsi. Some people refer to coke when they really mean Pepsi and vice versa. 38. Always wear a name tag. You want your guests to know your name so they will ask for you again. 39. Memorize what your regulars like to eat and drink. People like to be remembered. It makes them feel important. 40. Remember that the most important person to a person is themselves. People tend to enjoy having you ask them about them more than they enjoy hearing about you. 41. Always suggestive sell. It makes more money for your employer, and you. 42. Always know if something on the menu is unavailable. An unavailable item is “86-ed”. (ie: “86 the catfish.”) 43. Always know the daily specials, what is in them, and how they are made. 44. Never touch someone's food with your bare hands. 45. Always know if a menu item contains common allergens. If you aren’t sure, ask the chef. If you can’t ask the chef, recommend an item that you are confident about. Allergen’s can kill. 46. Never quit one job without another one already secured. 47. Use “my pleasure” instead of “you’re welcome”, and mean it. People like how “my pleasure” sounds. 48. Even if you can't get to a table right away at least acknowledge the fact that the guests are there. Tell them you'll be right with them. 49. Always let people pick a table that they would like. Don't make them sit anywhere that they don't want to sit. 50. Never let a table get cluttered. 51. Ask if people want drink refills before they have to ask you. Alternatively, give them refills without asking. 52. If you sense that someone is displeased, try to get them to tell you “why” even if they don't want to. They may just be trying to be polite or not make a scene, but you can't fix it if they don't tell you what's wrong. 53. Remember that the guest is always right even when you know they are not. 54. You can't always make everybody happy, but you need to make sure you did everything you could. 55. Never talk bad about another server, your restaurant, another restaurant, or another guest. 56. Keep your voice down. No one wants to hear about what you did last night while you're talking to your co-workers. 57. Don't use your phone at work. You can talk and text when your shift is done or while you are on break. 58. Always park away from the front doors. The best parking spots are not for you. 59. If a guest is dining alone, offer them a newspaper or magazine to keep themselves occupied. 60. If there's an item on the menu that you don't like, don't ever say you don't like it. You should say that it's just not your personal favorite. 61. If someone asks you what you'd order, tell them what your favorite is. if someone asks you what's good on the menu, don't say “everything”. 62. If you are responsible for answering the phone, answer it in three rings. 63. If you are responsible for answering the phone, and you're talking to someone face to face, excuse yourself and answer the phone. The person you are talking face-to-face will understand, but the person calling just knows that you aren’t answering and will get angry. 64. Even if you don't enjoy your job do it to the best of your ability. 65. If you are sick then don't come to work. No one wants you to serve them food if you're sick. 66. Always ask for time off as far in advance as possible. 67. Learn how to carry a tray with confidence. 68. Never set a tray on an unoccupied table. 69. Never go onto the floor without a tray in your hand. 70. Never make a trip onto the floor empty handed. 71. Learn how to “count-up” when giving making change for someone. 72. Always admit when you screw-up. Don’t try to cover up a mistake by making up a story or giving an excuse. Admitting your error defuses the situation. 73. Teach your co-worker these tricks of the trade too. If they are successful, and you are successful, the restaurant will be successful. Everyone makes money when the restaurant attracts more guests. And, so, there it is. 73 things you can do to "WOW" your guests and your boss. I'm sure there are more, but these are the things that came to my mind first. Maybe I'll add to the list down the road. Stay tuned...
11/17/2012 0 Comments Really?By now you've probably heard about, or read about, the review of Guy Fieri’s new restaurant on Times Square in New York, Guy’s American Kitchen & Bar. If you haven’t, check it out HERE, and then come back to read the rest of what I have to say.
The restaurant which has only been open for a few weeks was roasted in a review (if you want to call it that) by Pete Wells, New York Times dining critic. I haven’t been to the restaurant so I can’t speak as to the accuracy of the review, but I am a Christian and was raised by my parents to be respectful of others, so I do have a couple thoughts that I’d like to add to the national conversation. My first thought is “Really?” I can understand that the restaurant may not have met the expectations of the Mr. Wells, and apparently didn't do so on more than one occasion. However, what exactly makes Mr. Wells believe that his poor experiences justify a total cessation of respect for Mr. Fieri? Sure, he made headlines when he wrote the review, but at what cost? It certainly seems to me that Mr. Wells has shown us all that he isn't very professional, and certainly not very couth. It would also seem to me that either his parents failed to impress on him the need to show other people basic respect, or his parents are horrified at the fact that he turned away from the core family values upon which he was raised. The next thing that comes to my mind is “bully”. Schools all across the country have taken great efforts to teach children about the dangers of bullying. Mr. Wells, it seems to me, has just created a great case study for how bullies operate. Mr. Wells used his platform to make himself look better at the expense of others; in this case, Mr. Fieri. Had Mr. Fieri personally touched Mr. Well’s table on one of those visits, would Mr. Well’s have stated his critique face-to-face? I doubt it. People who bully others typically do so only when they have no real fear of reprisal. Bullies use their position of power, or their perceived position of power, to enhance their own personal self esteem. “Disappointment” is something else that I felt after reading Mr. Well’s supposed critique of Mr. Fieri’s restaurant. I was disappointed that the New York Times actually published the article as written. I’m not suggesting that the “review” not be genuine, but I am strongly suggesting that the New York Times should have had Mr. Wells re-write the “review” to reflect the level of professionalism that the Times is known for. Mr. Wells could have raised all of the same criticisms in a professional and respectful manner. In my opinion the Times certainly didn't benefit from the “review”; in fact it suffered some loss of credibility. And speaking of “credibility”, Mr. Wells has lost most of his in my opinion. I have over 25 years of experience in the hospitality business: hotels, restaurants and catering. I've had angry guests throw keys and desk clerks, scream at twenty-something servers, and use foul language at a high volume at the hostess stand because they couldn't get a table exactly when they wanted one even though they had no reservation. Surely I must not have realized “who they were”? Sure, we might have made a mistake or provided poor service in some of these instances, but a guest who loses complete sight of the fact that the employees in my establishment are HUMAN BEINGS doesn't motivate me to take their concerns too seriously. After all, if a guest can’t treat me and my staff with respect, I’m pretty sure I don’t need them to return. Don’t get me wrong; I do believe that the guest is always right. However, there is absolutely a line that can be crossed, and Mr. Wells crossed it. If I were Mr. Fieri, I wouldn't be too concerned with Mr. Well’s opinion on anything else going forward. 6/20/2012 0 Comments Top 5 Ways to Improve - TODAY!Everyone has something that they could improve upon in their life. I know that I could be better about turning off my computer at the end of the day, and just enjoying family time. I know that my wife could improve by not putting my chef's knives in the dishwasher time and time again. My daughter could study more, and text less. My son could be less forgetful. My Mother could stop worrying so much. Politicians in Washington could...well that's a blog for another day. But here are five things that I think almost all restaurants could improve upon starting today that would have an immediate positive effect on business.
1. Improve your curb appeal. Is your sign fully lit? Did someone empty their car's ashtray in your parking lot? Are the flowers in the planters alive? Is your sign fully lit? Before a guest even enters your building they have started to get a first impression about what to expect. If it's bad enough, they might just get back in to their car and leave. 2. Clean your restrooms. The restroom lets you know what a restaurant's cleanliness habits are. If the bathroom isn't clean what does the kitchen look like? While you're at it, fill the soap and paper towel dispensers, and get rid of the nasty smell. Nothing ruins my appetite like a poorly-kept restroom. 3. Clean, clean, clean. I'm not just talking about the basics such as cleaning your bathrooms, vacuuming the floor, or cleaning the windows. I'm talking about cleaning the bottom of the sugar caddies, and making sure the squeeze bottles of ketchup and mustard don't have dried gunk on them. The edges of the tabletops, and the bottom side where someone has deposited their chewing gum should also get some love. And, when is the last time the seats in the booths were removed and cleaned? 4. Hire good people and train them. Your staff represents you, and sometimes they might not represent you well. Individuals who don't perform quality work should be held accountable. Everyone needs training on the menu and menu item ingredients, how to address a table, and how to respond to a complaint or concern. When someone tells your staff that they are a first-time diner, your staff know how important it is to make a good impression. And when asked for their opinion as to "what's good", the answer shouldn't be "everything". 5. Touch tables. It seems to be a lost art unless I'm paying $40+ for an entree. Why don't managers take the time to touch tables and inquire as to how the dining experience is going? The cost of this seemingly rare practice is nothing, and the impact can be great! Just because a restaurant is "casual" doesn't mean that the manager or chef shouldn't be able to say "hello". And once they do touch a table, they need to respond appropriately to a guest's complaint and make things right instead of making excuses. If any of these issues applies to your restaurant, you need to stop what you're doing and take action NOW. You'll be surprised at how just improving on the points above will improve your restaurant's image, and improve your business overall. Very recently my wife and I were invited out to have dinner at a restaurant that we had never been to before. It is an upscale restaurant in the Indianapolis area and it has been around for many years. It boasts of having an inventive menu and an excellent chef. When we received the invitation I thought, "Great! I've driven by there a million times but never tried them out!"
Unfortunately for the restaurant, we won't be back. It's not that the food was bad or that the service was poor, it's just that it wasn't good enough to make me into a raving fan. Many restaurants put too much of their marketing focus on getting new customers. The business creates new coupons or promotions to build excitement and buzz in order to get new people in the door. In fact they focus so much on getting new customers they forget sometimes to take extraordinary care of them once they arrive . The really tragic thing with our dinner experience was that our server ASKED us if we'd been there before, and we said "No". That should have been the call to action for something special; something to really "WOW" us so that we'd be back. But it wasn't. So what should the restaurant in question have done better? They should have gone above and beyond:
AuthorDonald Vita is an 25+ year veteran of the hospitality business with management and troubleshooting experience in hotels, restaurants, and catering in multiple states and venues. Archives
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